Low Calorie Pine-apple Ice-cream

Low Calorie Pine-apple Ice-cream

Recipe by mrsslimonplantsCourse: Dessert


Prep time


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Nutrition info per 100g serving:
Calories: 69, Protein: 5g, Carbs: 9g, Fat: 2g


  • 150g frozen pineapple (about 1 cup)

  • 1 tbsp vegan keto vanilla pudding

  • 1(349g) pack of soft silken tofu

  • 2 tsp maple syrup (adjust per taste)

  • Toppings:
  • 1-2 tbsp finely chopped frozen or fresh pine-apple to sprinkle on top


  • Toss all the ingredients into a high speed blender. Blend everything till smooth.
    You can either serve it as a pudding by leaving the mixture in the fridge to cool for about 2 hours. Add fresh pineapple on top and enjoy as a delicious pudding.
  • OR freeze the mixture for about 2 hours by pouring the mixture in small serving size containers and serve.
  • Or freeze overnight and spin the next day on Ninja creami on ice-cream setting twice. Feel free to add some chopped fresh pine-apple on top.

Recipe Video


  • Watch my YouTube video to see how I made this ice-cream.

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