Healthy Creamy Green Smoothie (kids friendly)

Healthy Creamy Green Smoothie (kids friendly)

Recipe by mrsslimonplantsCourse: Breakfast


Prep time


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Calories: 438 | Protein: 14g | Fat 15g | Carbs: 68g (Without Medjool date)


  • 1 frozen or fresh ripe banana

  • 1 cup frozen pineapple

  • *1 pitted medjool date (optional for kids version to make it more sweet)

  • 2 tbsp thick rolled oats (GF)

  • 3-4 raw walnuts (for healthy Omega 3 FATTY acids & polyunsaturated fatty acids)

  • 1 tbsp ground flax (for fiber & more healthy omega 3 FATTY acids!)

  • *1 tbsp peanut butter (or use 1-2 tbsp powdered PB for lower fat option)

  • 1 large handful of mixed baby spinach, baby kale & swiss chard (or use spinach, fresh or frozen)

  • *1 cup unsweetened almond milk ( I used silk brand – 30 calories per cup or use water)

  • 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder (optional, I didn’t add any) – get 10% off VedgeNutrition or 15% Nuzest using my links

  • For Kids Version:
  • add additional tbsp. of raw pumpkin seeds (for magnesium, iron, zinc & antioxidants)


  • Toss everything in a high speed blender, blend till smooth and enjoy!

Recipe Video


  • *For Adults version – Use defatted peanut butter powder, omit date and use water to further decrease calories.

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